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Don’t Shoot!

Wildlife in your yard can become threatening, but there is much to know before you run for your gun.

coyoteBy Sydney Marsing

Before the North Valley became a burgeoning collection of housing developments, it was home to coyotes, bobcats, snakes, burros, javelina and other wild animals. While humanity pushed some of that wildlife to the fringes, many creatures are attracted by the fresh supply of food (trash cans, pet food), water (swimming pools, golf courses) and shelter (drainage pipes, retaining walls).

Arizona Game and Fish Department urges people to discourage cohabitation, as cozying up to wildlife can pose a threat to humans and pets. [See “Sharing Territory with Wildlife Can be Deadly,”]. For many people, defending oneself is synonymous with grabbing a gun. But before you run to your gun locker, consider this:

It is, likely, Illegal
Within the bounds of the City of Phoenix or any other municipality in Arizona, it is a felony to shoot a firearm in any direction within a mile of an occupied structure without legal justification (A.R.S 13-3107 A). There are also restrictions on “taking” wildlife at night, while you are in a motor vehicle or by shooting into or across a roadway. Javelina, bobcats, coyotes and a couple dozen other animals are subject to state hunting regulations including licensing, seasons and permissible areas. In short, “You can’t just go around shooting critters,” said Bill Andres, spokesperson for the Arizona Game and Fish Department.

It also is illegal to set a trap (except live traps) within half a mile of any occupied structure without the owner’s permission, or within 75 feet of any road (R12-4-307 H). (A license is required and there might be seasonal and municipal restrictions.)

“Defending Your Pooch” isn’t an Excuse
If a wild animal attacks, you are allowed to protect yourself or other human beings with deadly force. If you do, you must leave the animal in place and report the incident. No matter how much you think of your pet as family, the law begs to differ and specifies that a “person” must be in imminent danger. Which shouldn’t happen, if you follow this advice:

Don’t Feed the Animals…
Between 1997 and 2011, Maricopa County received only 15 reported cases of coyotes biting humans. Most of these were attributed to humans feeding the coyotes. The same goes for javelina. Wild animals don’t need help from humans to eat, said Andres. Setting out food for bobcats, coyotes, birds—even your own dog—attracts the food chain to your yard.

Killing Coyotes Changes Nothing
Coyotes are notoriously difficult to remove from any area that can sustain them, because others will quickly move into the vacated territory to start families of their own. Killing your local coyotes simply puts your neighborhood back on the open market. And the new residents won’t know your dog is supposed to be off-limits.

Prevention is Best
“The time to discourage a coyote is not when he’s attacking your dog,” said Andres. He urges citizens to take precautions against wild animals, even if neighbors don’t. “Maybe not everybody is [discouraging them], but if enough people do… they’ll stay away.” Andres said, “Coyotes are smart animals. If they see that, on one street… they get yelled at and rocks thrown at them, they’ll avoid that street.”

Yelling Works Fine
“One was the biggest coyote I’d ever seen, more like a wolf than a coyote,” said Jason Hope, describing the animals that attacked Comet, the family’s poodle mix. But despite their size, both animals bolted at the sight of the dog’s owners shouting and waving their arms, even from behind the bars of a backyard fence. The Hopes then managed to retrieve Comet and take him to the nearest vet, where he lost a spleen and a kidney but was eventually discharged. “He’s back to his old self,” said Hope, “he’s got that little fire in his eye, wagging his tail.”

Hope said that after some research, they have decided to work around the coyotes’ schedule to keep their dogs safe. Instead of letting the dogs into golf-course-facing backyard at dusk or dawn, when coyotes are most active, they let them out in the front yard, and make sure to stay and watch them. “They’re active” said Hope, warning fellow dog owners to simply “be aware, and be alert.”

What about a BB gun?
BB guns and airsoft guns are considered pneumatic weapons, and are not treated as firearms by AZGFD. The City of Phoenix OKs the use of such weapons “in defense of property from damage by animals or birds, providing property owner obtains permit from Arizona Game Department or United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and the taking of such animals or birds is properly supervised by the Game Department or the Fish and Wildlife Service or a person designated by either of those agencies to assure the safety of surrounding property owners.”

“Please, Don’t Let it Happen to Your Dog”


“We are having an issue here in Anthem with several pets killed or injured in the past few months,” said Dr. Kirstin Young of Daisy Mountain Veterinary Hospital.

Indeed. Julie Aras posted this warning on the Anthem Stuff page recently: “Sad to report that our two small dogs were violently attacked by a coyote at 10 a.m.… while in our backyard. We are on the west side [of Anthem] just north of the Outlet mall. One dog was dead when we found her, the other one in bad shape. Please don’t let it happen to your dogs.”

Dr. Young reminds pet owners that it is not safe to let your pet outside without you at any time. “Many of these attacks happen during the day when the owner steps inside for a few minutes.”

Aras said, “I never thought a coyote would jump our 6-foot block wall and attack our babies in broad daylight.”

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