Anthem Pets had to let go of its ownership of Jackass Acres Dog Park, but the project, a labor of love by the late Barb Windgassen [see “Saying Goodbye to Our Pets’ Best Friend,” In&Out, Sept. 12], will survive.
“We are happy to report that [Jackass Acres owner Joe Airdo] plans to continue to keep the park open in memory of Barb,” said Jill Peterson, a board member of Anthem Pets. “And as far as he is concerned, it’s business as usual. This is great news for Anthem and surrounding communities. We could not be happier—her legacy will live on.”
Owner Joe Airdo said that the award-winning eco-friendly park has been officially renamed Barbara’s Pet Park. “We had a very good relationship with Anthem Pets,” said Airdo.
Airdo’s focus is on “just making the park better. It’s people-friendly and dog-friendly.” New projects for improving the park include all new red rock that, he said, is easier on dog paws, as well as a new barbecue area, new trees and solar lighting.
Change in Fees
Airdo is honoring current dog park memberships through Anthem Pets until Dec. 31, 2013, but after that, membership fees will increase to $100 annually for up to three dogs per household. Membership through Anthem Pets was $40 per dog annually.
Airdo said he prefered not to have pit bulls, but Barbara’s Pet Park is not just for dogs. “It’s whatever you’ve got,” he said. “If it’s weed season, I encourage you to bring your goat.”